
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Business Hours and Holidays!

The holidays are coming and do you know when your tasks are due?  There's an ongoing issue with Salesforce that I've inquired about throughout the years.  Although you can set business hours (even multiple profiles for hours) and holidays, these aren't taken into consideration when workflow actions are applied or due.

A few years ago, the answer to my inquiry was to research the IdeaExchange.  The idea already existed then and unfortunately is still just an idea today.

IdeaExchange Link:

What a shame!

Is there anything you can do?  Absolutely, but I hope you like Apex Triggers.

There is a BusinessHours Class that you can read about in the Apex Developer's Guide:

The first thing you want to do before you start playing around with that, though, is to set up your business hours by going to Setup --> Administration Setup --> Company Profile --> Business Hours

For my example, I'll have a default schedule of Monday through Friday, 8AM to 7PM.

I've also set up some holidays through Setup -->  Administration Setup --> Company Profile --> Holidays.  Don't forget to go back to your Business Hour schedule and add the holidays to it by clicking on the "Add/Remove" button.

Got that configured?  Now you're ready to give it a whirl.

Of course you'll want to work this into a trigger, but for demonstration purposes I've just created a test class and pulled in the system date/time (

The VF Page:

<apex:page controller="test_business" >
    <apex:form >
        Current Date: {!oldDate}
            <br /><br />
        New (w/ GMT): {!newDateGMT}

Explanation:  Just two simple getter methods from the test class.
  • oldDate is simply pulling in the current date/time using the method. 
  • newDateGMT is returning the adjusted date/time according to the line w/in that getter method

The Class:

public with sharing class test_business {
    public DateTime getoldDate(){
        DateTime oldDate =;
    return oldDate;

    public DateTime getnewDateGMT(){
        BusinessHours bh = [SELECT Id FROM BusinessHours WHERE IsDefault=true];
        Datetime oldDate =;
        Datetime newDate = BusinessHours.addGMT(, oldDate, 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000L);
        return newDate;

Class Explanation: 
  • getoldDate just retrieves the method as explained above.  This is the full GMT value, not adjusted for your time zone.
  • getnewDateGMT has two main parts
  1. The query is creating a BusinessHours object named bh after retrieving the one I created earlier and set as the default.
  2. Where I declare the newDate Datetime, I'm taking advantage of the addGMT method in the businesshours class.  I need to feed to it the ID of a BusinessHours object, a starting date, and my increment (in milliseconds).  Broken down, that looks like this:
    1. 3 - # of hours
    2. 60 - 60 seconds in a minute
    3. 60 - 60 minutes in an hour
    4. 1000L - 1000 milliseconds in second