We've already created an object called "Alerts" to place information into (records that could cause sys admins night sweats and tremors). That object has two fields, basically who (the node) triggered the alert and what (the conditions) the alert is for.
The next step is to create and schedule a batch. The batch below will take two parameters - the drive letter that you want to monitor and the low disk space threshold in MBs (i.e., "Disk_Space_Alert.bat C 20480" would monitor the C:\ and create an alert when the amount of disk space was 20480MBs/20GBs or less)
REM - This issues the DIR command on the disk letter provided, pipes it
REM - into FINDSTR, looks for the line where "free" is located, and places that
REM - line into a temp file
REM - Then it converts that line into tokens and assigns the number of free bytes
REM - to the FREE_BYTES variable
dir %1: 2>&1 | findstr free > temp
for /f "tokens=3,4*" %%f in ( temp ) do (
set FREE_BYTES=%%f
REM - This removes commas and decimal points from FREE_BYTES
REM - The following line takes the number of free bytes and uses Powershell
REM - to calculate the number of MBs and assigned as a string variable
REM - This was done due to batch files numbers being limited to 32-bits of precision
FOR /F %%B IN ('powershell %FREE_BYTES%/1024/1024') DO (
REM - Next the decimals are removed and assigned to an integer variable
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=,." %%B IN ("%FREE_M_BYTES%") DO (
REM - Here we assign the threshold limit parameter to a variable
set /A LIMIT=%2
REM - Next, if the number of free MBs is less or equal to the limit
REM - a CSV is created. First the headers, then the alert fields
REM - After the file is created, process.bat is called to initiate the insert
REM - into Salesforce. Don't forget to install Data Loader, change your path
REM - and see my next post about the config file
echo RESOURCE, DETAILS > alert.csv
echo %COMPUTERNAME%, Low Space on %1 - %FREE_M_BYTES_INT% MB remaining >> alert.csv
C:Program Files (x86)salesforce.comData Loaderbinprocess.bat ../conf Disk_Space_Alert
So in a nutshell:
- Create the batch file
- Schedule the batch file
- When scheduling, you'll need to specify the disk letter and the MB limit (i.e., "Disk_Space_Alert.bat C 20480")
- The program will launch, check the amount of disk space on the specified drive
- The batch will then convert bytes to MBs and compare it to the limit specified
- If the limit is met or exceeded, a CSV is created and formatted with information about the issue
- Finally, the batch calls another batch file that initiates a Data Loader insert